Looking Up from Lockdown

In the Middle Ages we had the Plague. Reportedly Thomas Cromwell's wife and his two daughters died within a day when he was out on the King's business). INow we have Covid 19. As we all struggle to manage ourselves at this difficult time, we can think of the good which is coming out of such stringent times, as well as the bad. Don't sigh just yet please – keep reading.

A friend sent me a wonderful picture of a young deer, leaping and gambolling in the waves by the sea. The friend said she had often seen deer tracks while she camped on the beach, but she had no idea that the deer came down to play rather than to eat (no munchies for them on the unbroken sands...). So can we ponder on the opposite of lock DOWN, which might be the freedom to fly upwards, unfettered and finding new ways of experiencing the world.

In Tuscany at the time of writing this, there have been 752 deaths, but none reported in the hill town of Barga where the residents always talk of la buona aria.... Click to download the PDF of this article.